Standards for formatting information
Standards for formatting information in
Practical medicine journal
Practical medicine journal is on the list of Higher Attestation Commission (25.05.2012)
— on-line version at the web-site of research library —,
— archival copy of a journal –,
— web-site of editorial –
Before sending the article to the editor, please, carefully read the terms published on this page of License Agreement.
Please, note that sending the article to the editor means you accept the terms.
1. All of the manuscripts are sent to an е-mail of the chief editor, M.D., professor Maltsev Stanislav Viktorovitch–
2. This journal is focused on practicing physicians, therefore very welcome are articles for physicians on relevant topics and literature reviews which reflect today’s problem of diagnosis, preventive measures and treatment of certain diseases and syndromes.
Number of article’s pages:
— original work — no more than 10 pages;
— lecture or literature review – no more than 15 pages;
— description of clinical supervision — no more than 5 pages.
The editorial does not accept articles which were once published in other periodicals or were sent for publication in other journals.
3. Along with the article are sent as separate files scanned directional letter of an agency certified by the responsible person (Vice-Rector, Head of Department, Supervisor of work) and License Agreement for the chief editor professor Maltsev Stanislav Viktorovich.
After the article is ready for publication, the original of License Agreement must be sent to the editors office at the address 420012, Kazan, PO Box 142.
4. There is a special order for the text when executing a document (lecture, review, original article):
— full name of an author(-s);
— an institution (institutions) where the authors work;
— additional information about the responsible author of an article: academic degree, main position at work, place of work, postal address (where the author’s copy will be sent), phone number (office, mobile), e-mail.
— article heading;
— text of an article (for lectures, reviews);
— introduction (relevance of an article with provision of a purpose and objectives of a research); material and methods; results; consideration; conclusion (for original articles);
— list of references.
5. To each article there should be an applied summary in Russian and in English; the size of a summary is 6-8 lines. Pay attention to the correct execution of this important component of the work. Remember that most bibliographic databases contain only abstracts, therefore summary is the only way to announce about your academic achievements to the medical community. At the end of the summary, begin a new paragraph and specify 3-5 key words or expressions.
6. Text is typed in Microsoft Office Word, font — Times New Roman, font size – 12pt, line spacing — 1,5. Number of pages is on the right side below. Text of an article should not duplicate data in tables.
7. Images must be clear, photographs — contrasting. Online versions of images, photographs, X-ray pictures are presented in black and white, in .jpeg, resolution not less than 300 ppi and width of the object not less than 100 mm. Tables, graphs and diagrams are created in Word; on the axes must be specified units. Illustrative material with subscriptions is located in the file after text of the article and list of references, and, except for the tables, is designated by the word «image». Number of tables should not exceed five, the table must contain no more than 5-6 columns.
8. In describing pharmaceutical substances should be given an international non-proprietary name (INN).
9. List of references used for the article is attached in order of quotation of sources, rather than alphabetically. Serial number of a reference must match the order of its citation in the article. The text contains only the serial number of the quoted source in square brackets in strict accordance with the list of references (no more than 30 -35 sources).
In the list of references are indicated:
• when citing a book: last names and initials of the authors, full title of the book, place, publishing house and year of publication, number of pages in a book or link to specific pages;
• when citing an article in the journal: last names and initials of the authors (if more than 4 authors, then indicate three of them, adding «etc.» or «et al.»), full title of the article, full or abbreviated name of the journal, year of publication, volume, number, cited pages;
• The article may contain references to dissertation abstracts, but not dissertations themselves, as they are the manuscripts.
List of references must be drawn up in accordance with GOST P 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic references – Content, form and structure». Text is available on our website.
10. All submitted works are reviewed. Editorial reserves the right to reduce published materials and adapt them to columns of the journal. Articles which are not formatted according to these rules will not be accepted and will not be returned to authors.
Graduate students do not pay for publishing articles. In case of publishing an article of a graduate student, he is specified as the main author. In other cases, editorial offers the student to pay for pre-press of an article (proofreading, makeup, matching, postal charges for communication between authors and reviewers). Cost of expenditures is calculated as 500 rub. for each typewritten page formatted in accordance with the Rules. Paid amount can be transferred to our account in any branch of Sberbank of Russia. These are our account details:
Beneficiary’s name: Praktika LLC
INN 1660067701
KPP 166001001
Beneficiary’s account: 40702810962210101135 in Department of «Bank of Tatarstan» № 8610 SB RF Volga Region Department № 6670 Kazan
BIC 049205603
Correspondent account 30101810600000000603
Name of the payment: publishing.
Payer: Full name of the article writer, for which the payment is done
Please, after making payment fax us payment receipt for publishing services on (843) 267-60-96 or send us an-email on with the name of the ORIGINAL author and TITLE of the article.
Пример оформления статьи:
Казанский государственный медицинский университет
Межрегиональный клинико-диагностический центр, г. Казань
Острые и хронические нарушения мозгового кровообращения
Иванова Татьяна Васильевна — кандидат медицинских наук, ассистент кафедры неврологии и нейрохирургии
420101, г. Казань, ул. Петрова, д. 12а, кв. 14, тел. (843) 299-11-45, e-mail:
В статье представлены результаты обследования 418 пациентов, страдающих острой и хронической ишемией головного мозга. Дана характеристика клинических, функциональных и нейровизуализационных особенностей этих больных. Рассмотрены вопросы лечения пациентов с «сосудистой» эпилепсией. Получены новые данные ……
Ключевые слова: эпилепсия, острые и хронические нарушения мозгового кровообращения, лечение.
Kazan State Medical University
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan
Epilepsy in acute and chronic cerebral circulatory disorders
The results of the survey of 418 patients suffering from acute and chronic cerebral ischemia are presented in the article. The characteristic of clinical, functional and neuroimaging peculiarities of these patients are given. The issues of treatment of patients with «vascular» epilepsy are considered. The new data obtained…….
Key words: epilepsy, acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, treatment.
Далее текст статьи……
1. Власов П.Н., Шахабасова З.С., Филатова Н.В. Эпилепсия, впервые возникшая у пожилого пациента: диагностика, дифференциальная диагностика, терапия // Фарматека. — 2010. — № 7. — С. 40-47.
2. Cloyd J., Hauser W., Towne A. Epidemiological and medical aspects of epilepsy in the elderly // Epilepsy Res. —2006. — № 68. — Р. 39-48.
3. Гехт А.Б. Современные стандарты ведения больных эпилепсией и основные принципы лечения // Consilium medicum. — 2000. — Т. 2, № 2. — С. 2-11.
4. Карлов В.А. Эпилепсия. — М.: Медицина, 1992.
5. Hauser W.A. Epidemiology of Epilepsy // Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. — 1995. — № 162. — P. 17-21.
6. Гехт А.Б. Эпилепсия у пожилых // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии. — 2005. — № 11. — С. 66-67.
We will be happy to work with you!
Sincerely yours, editorial staff of Practical medicine journal.