Vaccination of migrant workers against measles under the COVID-19 pandemic
1Republican Clinical Dermatovenerological Dispensary, Kazan
2Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
3Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan
4Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Kazan
5Kazan Federal University, Kazan
Contact details:
Eremeeva Zh.G. — epidemiologist, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine
Address: 4 Tolstoy St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7-927-448-83-80, e-mail:
The purpose — to present the results of the study of vaccination coverage of migrant workers against measles under the COVID-19 pandemic.
Material and methods. The vaccination coverage of migrant workers against measles with live measles vaccine in the Republic of Tatarstan was assessed according to outpatient cards of foreign citizens, undergoing medical examination in 2020–2021, and accounting and statistical forms of the vaccination office of the Dematovenereological Dispensary. The data were processed in Microsoft Excel 2010 and using the OrepEri online calculator. Measles vaccination coverage was calculated as a percentage (fractions, %) as the ratio of the number of vaccinated migrants among those subject to vaccination.
Results. Of the total number of foreign citizens (more than 25 thousand annually) undergoing medical examinations, 40-50% are labor migrants. In Tatarstan, the vaccination campaign of migrant workers against measles started in 2019, vaccination coverage in 2020 was 80%, in 2021 — 93%. 2021 is the year of the start of vaccination of migrants against the new coronavirus infection, which affected the vaccination of migrants against measles due to the need to maintain the interval between the introduction of live measles vaccine and Sputnik Lite vaccine. In 2021, 3126 foreign citizens were vaccinated in the Republic of Tatarstan with Sputnik Lite vaccine.
Conclusion. Due to the coordinated information and explanatory work of dermatovenerologists and therapists about the need for vaccination against infections with an aerogenic transmission mechanism in order to prevent infection in families and labor collectives, as well as due to prevention of severe diseases and complications under the current epidemiological situation, vaccination coverage of foreign citizens against measles in 2021 remained at a high level and amounted to 93%, despite the fact that vaccination against coronavirus infection postponed vaccination against measles.
Key words: vaccination, migrant workers, measles, coronavirus infection.
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