V.A. Kazem-Bek: a difficult way from Kazan to Harbin
Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
Contact details:
Kirillova E.R. — PhD (Medicine), Associated Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7-903-340-06-94, e-mail: elinarin@mail.ru
A famous Harbin doctor Vladimir Alekseevich Kazem-Bek is the heir to the famous Kazem-Bek dynasty. He was born on February 14 (27), 1892, in the family of a famous Kazan doctor Aleksey Nikolayevich Kazem-Bek. After graduating from the Third Men’s Gymnasium, he entered Kazan Emperor’s University, Faculty of Medicine. During the World War I, he went to the front to work as an ordinary doctor and quickly became known among the soldiers as a competent and kind doctor. In 1915, Vladimir Kazem-Bek passed the final exams and started to work in Kazan in 1917. In 1920, he became a doctor at the General Staff Academy, with which he was evacuated to Vladivostok. From it he arrived in Harbin in 1920. In 1925, he left for Europe for a year, where he was engaged in scientific work on upper respiratory tract surgery. When he returned to Harbin, he became the most famous doctor in the city. The early death of the young doctor was deeply saddened by Harbin residents, and he was escorted by thousands of inconsolable people on his last journey. He was buried in the Uspenskoye cemetery; later the grave was transferred to the Orthodox cemetery in the Sankeshu area.
Key words: history of medicine, biography, Kazem-Bek, Harbin.
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