Using laser Doppler flowmetry and biofeedback to prevent erosion of mesh prostheses
Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa
Contact details:
Musin I.I. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Address: 3 Lenin Str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450008, e-mail:
Objective ― to assess the microcirculation status of anterior vaginal wall and the exercise complex to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles using biofeedback to prevent erosion after mesh implants setting.
Material and methods. Research was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, retrospective analysis of post-operative complications were studied in 198 cases of patients with incontinence. At the second stage, 65 patients were divided into two groups: 35 patients of reproductive age and 30 patients in menopause. The patients underwent laser Doppler flowmetry to assess microcirculation in vagina. To assess the microcirculation channel, we used laser analyzer of blood microcirculation LAKK-01 («Lazma» research and production company, Russia).
Results. At the first stage, mesh prosthesis erosion was found in 12 patients, all in menopause. That is why, it was decided to compare microcirculation in women of reproductive age (35 patients, group 1) and patients in menopause (30 patients, group 2). When registering LDF in the first group, it was found that M ― 19.56±0.58 pf. units, σ ― 3.32±0.32 pf. units, Kv ― 16.98%. In the second group M ― 10.89±0.6 pf. units, σ ― 3.51±0.56 pf. units, Kv ― 15.48%. From this it follows that in patients in menopause LDF is lower than in women of reproductive age. We proposed a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles with biofeedback, which led to an improvement of microcirculation in vagina ― М ― 12.68±0.4 pf. units, σ ― 3.53±0.56 pf. units, Kv ― 15.44%.
Conclusions. Before installing mesh implants, we offer all patients to measure LDF on the anterior wall of vagina. If indices are below normal, we recommend a set of exercises based on biological feedback to prevent mesh prosthesis erosion. After three months after operative treatment, LDF on the anterior wall of the vagina is measured.
Key words: mesh prostheses, laser Doppler flowmetry, biofeedback.
(For citation: Musin I.I., Fatkullina I.B., Gazizova G.Kh., Popova E.M., Molokanova A.R. Using laser Doppler flowmetry and biofeedback to prevent erosion of mesh prostheses. Practical medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, № 4, P. 88-91)
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