Ultrasound neuroimaging as a technology for screening diagnostics of the central nervous system pathology in children
Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, Saint Petersburg
Contact details:
Vasilieva Yu.P. — PhD (medicine), Senior Researcher of the Department of Functional and Radiology Diagnostics
Address: 9 Professor Popov St., Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, 197022, tel.: +7-911-923-45-05, e-mail: vasiliev.yar@gmail.com
The article presents the results of analysis of 3466 examinations (2012–2018), obtained from screening of brain (neurosonography) and spinal cord (spinal ultrasonography) in children during an outpatient prophylactic examination (n = 593) and in the infectious hospital as a primary structural diagnostics of patients with a suspected infectious disease (n = 2873). In prophylactic screening, over a half of children (67%) demonstrated pathological changes in brain, of which 4,1% patients had symptomless course of structural deficit, which may cause unfavorable consequences. Spinal ultrasonography during an outpatient screening showed ultrasound symptoms of the spinal cord in 61% cases. When an infectious disease was suspected in the infectious hospital, neurosonography showed pathological changes in brain in 45% patients, and in 90% of cases the revealed disorders were not of infectious nature, but served as the ground for changing the therapeutic tactics, which determined the outcome of the main disease. The presented clinical cases substantiate the need for ultrasound screening of not only the brain but also the spinal cord at dispensarization of young children. The obtained results show the need to perform planned neurosonography at birth, at 1 and 3 months, at 1 year, further on indications stemming from previous examinations. Spinal ultrasonography should be performed to all children at the age of 1 month. The article also presents the experience of sonography screening in children with infectious diseases, which confirms the need to perform neurosonography during primary diagnostics in children of all ages with infectious diseases accompanied by general cerebral syndrome.
Keywords: ultrasound, neurosonography, spinal ultrasonography, children, screening, monitoring.
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