Ultrasound diagnostics of operated stomach pathologies
1Ulyanov Chuvash State University, 15 Moskovskiy prospekt, Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428015
2City Clinical Hospital No. 1, 46 Traktorostroiteley prospekt, Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428028
Diomidova V.N. — D. Med. Sc., Head of Propedeutics of the Department of Internal Diseases with a course of Radiation Diagnostics, tel. (8352) 45-26-17, e-mail: diomidovavn@rambler.ru
Vinogradova V.S. — post-graduate student of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases with a course of Radiation Diagnostics, tel. (8352) 45-26-17
The research objective is to study the informative value of the multi-parametric ultrasound investigation for the early diagnosis of post-gastrectomy complications. The main group comprised 104 people with the operated stomach pathology. There were more men (66.3 %, or 69 people) than women (mean age 44.2 ± 12.3 y.o.). The control group included patients with operated stomach without any complications after surgery (n-25 people, mean age 39.8 ± 9.3 y.o.). All transabdominal multiparameteric ultrasound investigations were performed with Ascuvix V10 and V20 (Medison, South Korea) and Aixplorer (Super-sonic Imagine, France) scanners. The reliability of ultrasound examination results is confirmed by the morphological data of postoperative and/or endoscopic biopsy materials, endoscopy, X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging. Differences were considered reliable at p ≤ 0.05. The revealed pathologies of the operated stomach were divided into subgroups: stump of stomach pathology and anastomosis — 56 cases (53.8 %); intra-abdominal complications — 25 cases (24.0 %); extra-abdominal complications (pathology of the lungs and pleura) — 8 (7.7 %); multiple combined pathology — 15 cases (14.4 %). The dynamic ultrasound monitoring at different times after surgery allowed obtaining reliable information about the state of the stomach stump and anastomosis.
Key words: operated stomach, pathology, ultrasound investigation
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