Two cases of neonatal fungal sepsis caused by Candida krusei
1Kazan State Medical University, Butlerov St., 49, Russian Federation, 420012
2City Children’s Hospital, Dekabristov St., 125a, Russian Federation, 420034
Khaertynov Kh.S. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Children’sInfectious Diseases, tel. +7-903-342-96-27, e-mail:
Anokhin V.A. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Children’s Infections, tel. (843) 267-81-00, e-mail:
Lyubin S.A. — Head of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, tel. +7-903-341-87-20, e-mail:
The authors describe two cases of neonatal fungal sepsis caused by Candida krusei in children born with extremely low weight. Inonecase, thediseaseended with a recovery,intheother the outcome was lethal.The risk factors for Candida sepsis in neonatesare considered.
Key words: newborns, fungal sepsis, treatment.
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