Topical issues of autistic spectrum disorders: theory and clinical practice
1 Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
2 Orenburg Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital № 2, Orenburg, Russian Federation
Contact details:
Petrova N.N. – D. Sc. (medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology
Address: 7/9 Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, St. Petersburg, 199034, tel.: +7-911-211-26-07, e-mail:
The objective is to analyze the topical issues associated with the provision of medical care to persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Material and methods. The material for the research is publications (Pubmed), statistical reports of the psychiatric service for 2014-2018 in the Orenburg region, and a clinical example. Literature analysis was carried out; clinical and statistical methods were used.
Results. Comorbid mental disorders, including schizophrenia, depressive, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders, occur in up to 70% of individuals with ASD. These disorders have a greater impact on outcomes and functioning than the actual symptoms of ASD. According to the statistical reports of the Orenburg region on psychiatric morbidity for 5 years, there were no 18 y.o. persons ASD by the end of 2018. The clinical case illustrates the multi-aspect nature of the problem of diagnosis of ASD: late diagnosis of ASD and mental retardation, incorrect diagnosis of mental disorder in a patient with ASD and mental retardation in adulthood. Conclusion. The literature data and the authors’ observations confirm the need to improve professional skills of psychiatrists, psychologists, teachers and social workers, to improve public awareness on the issue of ASD. Of particular relevance is the continuity between child and adult mental health care for persons with ASD and correct diagnosis of mental disorders in persons with ASD, including those associated with mental retardation in adulthood.
Key words: autism spectrum disorders, ASD, mental disorders in ASD in adulthood, diagnosis.
(For citation: Petrova N.N., Pryanikova E.V. Topical issues of autistic spectrum disorders: theory and clinical practice. Practical Medicine. 2019)
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