The use of elastin biomaterial in the reconstructive surgery of orbit walls
The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre of the Russian Federation Health Ministry, 67/1 Zorge Str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450075
Nigmatullin R.T. ― D.Med.Sc., Deputy Director General for Science, tel. (347) 224-68-03, e-mail:
Kutushev R.Z. ― Head of the Ophthalmological Department, tel. (347) 224-68-19, e-mail:
The article presents data on the experimental transplantation with elastin biomaterial (patent №2440148). The purpose of the experiment was to replace the defects of the orbital roof and ocular edge in «Vistar» rats. The morphological research was conducted 30, 90 and 180 days after the experimental biomaterial transplantаtion into the bone defect. They showed a gradual replacement of biomaterial in compliance with the patterns of reparative regeneration. Originally, dense well-shaped fibrous connective tissue was formed in the transplant. The osteogenesis areas in the regeneration zone were revealed as early as in 30 days. The created biomaterial is optimum for regenerative reconstruction of the orbital walls thanks to its modelling, plasticity and osteogenous properties.
Key words: elastin biomaterial, orbital wall reconstruction, osteogenesis.
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