The use of a non-rebreathing mask system for respiratory protection during bronchoscopy
1Samara Municipal Hospital №4, 125 Michurin Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443056
2Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapayevskaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099
Shteiner M.L. ¾ D. Med. Sc., physician-endoscopist, Assistant of endoscopy course of the Surgery Department of Institute of Professional Education, tel. +7-927-207-71-18, e-mail:
Zhestkov A.V. ¾ D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of General and Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Allergology, tel. (846) 260-33-61, e-mail:
The safety of flexible bronchoscopy was evaluated in 1000 patients with severe respiratory failure and massive obstruction of tracheobronchial tree due to various underlying lung disorders. In all these patients, bronchoscopy was performed for life-threatening indications. Respiratory protection was provided by spontaneous breathing with an oxygen-air mixture via a bronchoscopic variant of a non-rebreathing mask. No serious events followed by postbronchoscopic respiration inhibition were reported. Cardiovascular events were reported in 61 patients (6.1%) and were also non-fatal.
Key words: bronchoscopy, respiratory protection, bronchoscopic variant of a non-rebreathing mask system.
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