The features of acute purulent rhinosinusitis depending on leucocytes level and cytokines in peripheral blood
Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapayevskaya St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099
Miroshnichenko A.P. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Otolaryngology named after Acad. I.B. Soldatov, tel. +7-927-209-01-85, e-mail:
Khrappo N.S. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Otolaryngology named after Acad. I.B. Soldatov, tel. +7-927-603-25-00, e-mail:
Stepanov E.N. — Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Otolaryngology named after Acad. I.B. Soldatov, tel. +7-903-304-57-94, e-mail:
Rodionova S.V. — Head of ENT Department, tel. +7-902-291-273-6, e-mail:
The article analyzes the indicators of complete blood count (CBC), leucocytes level and cytokines IL1β, TNFα in blood serum in patients with acute purulent rhinosinusitis. 45 patients with acute purulent rhinosinusitis, aged 18-54, and 50 healthy persons were examined. Depending on leucocytes level and cytokines in serum, 3 groups of patients were allocated: the first group with leucocytes level 10,1×10⁹/l — 20,0×10⁹/l and the low concentration of IL1β in serum; the second group with leucocytes level 8,8×109/l — 9,5×109/l and mild concentration of IL1β in serum; the third group — with low leucocytes level and high concentration of IL1β in serum. In the first group the clinical manifestation of inflammation, nasal functional tests and complaints were the most intense. But the improvement occurred 3-5 days earlier than in the II and III groups. The investigation revealed that IL1β level is an important criterion for acute purulent rhinosinusitis diagnostic. High leucocytes level and low concentration of IL1β in serum are favorable signs for acute purulent rhinosinusitis outcome. Low leucocytes level and high concentration of IL1β in serum are associated with a longer course, worse symptoms and slower recovery of the patient. The most unfavorable combination is lack of leucocytes and IL1β hyperproduction.
Key words: acute purulent rhinosinusitis, cytokines, interleukin IL1β, leucocytes level.
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