The ability to forecast the terms of alcohol dependence formation and development: quantitative analysis of family history and the level of genetic risk
V.P. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Addiction, 23 Kropotkinsky per., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991
Nikolishin A.E. — researcher of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, tel. +7-929-925-87-56, e-mail:
Chuprova N.A. — researcher of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, tel. (499) 241-04-65, e-mail:
Brodyansky V.M. — Cand. Biol. Sc., Leading researcher of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, tel. (499) 241-04-65, e-mail:
Schurina A.V. — researcher of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, tel. (499) 241-04-65, e-mail:
Sulimov G.Yu. — Cand. Med. Sc., Leading researcher of the Rehabilitation Department, tel. +7-929-241-92-66, e-mail:
Romashkin R.A. — researcher of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, tel. (499) 241-04-65, e-mail:
The article studies the use of quantitative assessment of the impact of genetic factors to forecast the terms of alcohol dependence formation and development. A total of 464 in-patients were surveyed, with the average age of 43.6±13.36 years; the diagnosis of «alcohol dependence» (ICD-10 F10.2) was made in all cases. 84.5% of the subjects reported having a family history (FH) of alcohol dependence, 33.8% ― a high degree of FH. The high genetic risk (GR) was observed in 47.2% of patients. Comparisons using x2 criterion and the nonparametric Mann ― Whitney test showed differences between patients with varying degrees of FH, and varying levels of GR. The patients without FH sharply differ from the patients with high FH (at least 2 patients in the family), and patients with moderate FH (1 patient in the family) occupy an intermediate position. The obtained data prove that, regardless of gender, the presence of FH and its high degree speed up the formation and development of alcohol dependence and present a risk factor for this disease. Using the quantitative analysis of FH and GR of patient in the early stages of the disease, it is possible to predict the rate of formation, development and severity of alcohol dependence.
Key words: alcohol dependence, genetics, heredity, family history, genetic risk, gene polymorphism, dopamine.
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