Technique of intrascleral buckles with viscoelastics in treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. Initial results
The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 59 a Beskudnikovsy Blvr., Moscow, Russian Federation, 127474
Muravlyova N.G. ― postgraduate student, tel. +7-903-551-23-98, e-mail:
Gorshkov I.M. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery, tel. (499) 488-84-38, e-mail:
Volodin P.L. ― D. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Eye Microsurgery and Functional Rehabilitation in Children, tel. (499) 488-84-55, e-mail:
Kolesnik S.V. ― Cand. Med. Sc., ophthalmologist of the Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery, tel. (499) 488-87-17, e-mail:
The article presents the first results of treatment of local rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with the use of intascleral buckles technique with viscoelastic. Indications and counter indicationsfor the operation are defined, the technique of intascleral buckles is described in detail. The results of the performed operations prove that the technique is low-invasive, does not require additional manipulations for removing the buckle substance, and has short rehabilitation period. The maximall corrected vision acuity remains at the pre-operative level. Application of this technique allows to eliminate such complications as operation wound infection, oculomotor disbalance with a sense of double vision, ptosis, strabismus, which are characteristic for the techniques of ballooning and episcleral buckles.
Key words: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, intrascleral buckles, episcleral buckles, viscoelastics.
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