Evaluating the effectiveness of complex treatment of patients undergoing surgery — plication of the superficial femoral vein for acute deep vein thrombosis with flotation using micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF)
M.V. LARIONOV1,2, R.Kh. KHAFIZIANOVA2, O.V. CHUYENKOV1, D.R. IBRAGIMOV3 1Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan, 138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064 2Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012 3Kazan State Medical Academy, 36 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012 Larionov M.V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant Lecturer of the Surgery Department № […]