Evaluation of bone mineral density and risk of falling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A.G. VASILYEV¹, D.I. ABDULGANIYEVA², А.А. SADRIYEVA², R.G. MUKHINA¹ ¹City Clinical Hospital № 7, 54 Chuykov St., 420103 Kazan, Russian Federation ²Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov St., 420012 Kazan, Russian Federation Vasilyev A.G. — rheumatologist of the City Rheumatology Centre, tel. (843) 237-91-75, e-mail: artem.vasilyev@bk.ru1 Abdulganiyeva D.I. — D. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy with a course in Endocrinology, tel. […]