Features of trace element composition of the blood in sarcoidosis patients
O.A. DENISOVA, K.K. EGOROVA, G.E. CHERNOGORYUK, N.V. BARANOVSKAYA, L.P. RIKHVANOV, G.M. CHERNYAVSKAYA, A.N. GOLOSCHAPOVA Tomsk Regional Clinical Hospital Siberian Medical University, Tomsk National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Denisova Olga Aleksandrovna Candidate of Medical Science, pulmonologist at the diagnostic polyclinic 101 Rozy Luksemburg Str., apt.198, Tomsk 634026 tel. 8-952-883-64-83, e-mail: oadeni@yandex.ru The results of the study of chemical elements (Ca, Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Zn, Br, Rb, Ag, Ba, […]