Indices of Scheimpflug corneal topography «Pentacam» for assessment of the results of corneal collagen crosslinking in different stages of primary keratoconus
T.K. CHURAKOV¹, A.V. TITOV¹, L.I. BALASHEVICH¹’², S.A. NIKULIN¹, A.B. KACHANOV¹’², O.A. EFIMOV¹ ¹St. Petersburg branch of the Interbranch scientific and technical complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after acad. S.N. Fedorov, 21 Ya. Gashek St., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 192283 ²North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya St., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191015 Churakov […]