Epidemiological and organizational aspects of cerebrovascular diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan
A.R. RAKHMATULLIN, K.Z. BAKHTIYAROVA, E.N. GALIMULINA, Yu.A. KOFANOVA Bashkir State Medical University, 3 Lenin Str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450002 Rakhmatullin A.R. ― PhD (medicine), Assistant of the Neurology Department, e-mail: airatraxmatullin@mail.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8342-3943 Bakhtiyarova K.Z. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Professor of the Neurology Department, tel. (347) 279-20-02, e-mail: bsmu_neuro@yandex.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0982-4324 Galimulina E.N. […]