Syndrome of congenital cutis marmorata teleangiectatica with numerous ulcerations in a newborn
1Republican Clinical Dermato-Venerology Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of Republic of Tatarstan, 4 Tolstoy Str., 420012, Kazan, Russian Federation
2Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov Str., 420012, Kazan, Russian Federation
Nurmeeva Alsu Rashitovna – Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the In-hospital Department N 3, tel. (843) 555-21-10, e-mail:
The article presents a clinical case of cutis marmorata teleangiectatica congenita in mature newborn baby with prenatal observation of human immunodeficiency virus in mother (ICD-10 R75). Local status showed severe skin syndrome with ulcerations. Abnormalities in vascular system, eye disorders, neural disorders, internal organs disorders and musculoskeletal system disorders were not found. In the clinical course of the syndrome, we observed recovery with scarring and partial skin and subcutaneous fat dystrophy. The clinical case is presented due to the infrequent occurrence of the disease and severe clinical manifestations of the local skin syndrome.
Key words: children, cutis, marmorata, teleangiectatica, skin, congenital, ulcer, newborn.
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