Study of psychosomatic correlation in the development and course of psychical pathology in childhood
Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk
Republican mental health facility of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mordovia, Saransk
Podsevatkin Viatcheslav Grigorevich
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of Department of Nervous Diseases and Psychiatry, Chief Physician of the Republican Psychiatric Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Mordovian Republic
7 Pobedy Str., settlement of Zvezdnyy, Lyambirskiy district, Mordovia 431520
tel. (8342) 38-01-21, е
The role of somatic pathology, as well as correlation between the severity of oligophrenia and somatic disorders in children was analyzed. A direct relationship between the depth of intellectual oligophrenia and severity of comorbid physical illness, feedback to the duration of remission of chronic somatic diseases was established. The research results can contribute to the development of new methods of prevention and therapy of somatic diseases in children with mental deficiency.
Key words: oligophrenia, comorbidity, obesity, atopic asthma.
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