Study of lens acoustic density with ultrasound biomicroscopy of eyes
The Volgograd Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 80 Zemlyachki Str., Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400138
Polyakova V.R. ― ophthalmologist, tel. (8442) 58-15-59, e-mail:
Dzhashi B.G. ― ophthalmologist, tel. (8442) 91-69-94, e-mail:
Melikhova I.A. ― ophthalmologist, tel. (8442) 91-67-77, e-mail:
The study included 25 patients (25 eyes) with cataracts of varying degrees of density, the control group included 25 patients (25 eyes) with an optically transparent lens. The range of the lens acoustic density values by the respective Buratto values was as follows: degree 1 ― from 17.3 to 22.4 DB, degree 2 ― from 22.5 to 26.9 DB, degree 3 ― from 27 to 35 DB, degree 4 ― more than 35 DB. The ultrasound biomicroscopy of eye allows to determine the lens acoustic density. The lens density value exceeding 35 dB suggests potential difficulties associated with the fragmentation and removal of the lens during the operation.
Key words: ultrasound biomicroscopy eyes, lens acoustic density.
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