Specific issues of endoscopic aids in neurological practice
1Samara City Hospital No. 4, Samara, Russia
2Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
Contact details:
Shteyner M.L. — MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery with the course of endoscopy, physician-endoscopist
Address: 125 Michurina St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443056, tel.: +7 (846) 260-33-61, e-mail: gb4@mail.ru
The experience is analyzed of conducting 12 procedures of transanal lavage of distal colon sections in the author’s version in patients with strokes. Rectoromanoscopy was performed until the tube was inserted into the distal parts of the sigmoid colon. Then the light guide and the air blower were turned off, the protective window was disconnected. Further, the rectoscope tube was used as a conductor, through which a rubber tube was inserted to supply lavage fluid directly into the sigmoid colon. Next, a siphon enema was performed with a volume of no more than 7 liters. The advantages of this modified version of the siphon enema were visual control of the procedure, minimizing intestinal traumatization, improved conditions for the discharge of feces, sparing volumes of lavage medium, limiting the absorption of lavage fluid in the rectum. In all cases of observation, the patients tolerated the procedure quite satisfactorily. This variant of the modified siphon enema is the method of choice in neurological practice.
Key words: modified version of a siphon enema, transanal lavage of the distal colon, neurological practice.
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