Sleep disturbance as a cause of traffic accidents is an important component in the rehabilitation of patients after traumatic brain injuries in road accidents
Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan
Contact details:
Mardiev A.A. — graduate student of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7 927 426 46 65, e-mail:
According to modern concepts, the main causes of injuries among patients in hospitals in the world are road traffic accidents (RTAs). After analyzing the statistics, domestic and foreign literature, studies revealed that a frequent cause of an accident is falling asleep at the wheel of a driver. Particular attention should be paid to such a form of sleep disorders as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Patients with an advanced form of this disease often fall asleep during a conversation, eating, or driving. In addition, sleep disturbance significantly complicates the restoration of the health of patients who suffered a traumatic brain injury during an accident. Despite the obviousness of the problem with sleep disturbance, the world still does not pay due attention to this problem.
Material and methods. We conducted an analysis of the work of the reception and diagnostic departments of hospitals in the city of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan, providing first aid, emergency care, where certain patterns were revealed.
Results. In the literature it is noted that patients suffering from road accidents, after undergoing a course of inpatient treatment, need rehabilitation. Often patients experience sleep problems in the hospital, both due to external factors and internal factors. During the rehabilitation period, bad sleep in hospitals negatively affects the recovery of the patient as a whole, negating the whole range of therapeutic measures. The mechanisms underlying sleep disturbances in traumatic brain injury are not fully understood.
Conclusion. Thus, having analyzed domestic and foreign literature, we came to the conclusion that the medical community needs to update the issues related to sleep disturbances, in particular among vehicle drivers, and prevention of sleep disorders among patients who have had a head injury is an important aspect in the recovery process of a patient and requires further detailed study.
Key words: road safety, traffic accidents, sleep behind the wheel, sleep disturbance, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, rehabilitation after head injury, sleep prevention in hospitals.
(For citation: Mardiev A.A., Yakupov E.Z., Shulaev A.V. Sleep disturbance as a cause of traffic accidents is an important component in the rehabilitation of patients after traumatic brain injuries in road accidents. Practical Medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, № 7, P. 46-50)
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