Sjogren’s syndrome in women: the relationship of quality of life with the mental status and type of attitude to pathology
Ural State Medical University, 3 Repina St., Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620219
Gan E.Yu. — postgraduate student of Department of Nursing, tel. (343) 351-15-85, e-mail:
Shardina L.A. — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Nursing tel. +7-961-771-90-20, e-mail:
Shardin S.A. — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Department of Nursing,tel. +7-909-023-43-94, e-mail:
The quality of life, mental status, and type of attitude to the disease in 93 women patients with Sjogren’s syndrome were studied. The following was identified in the study group: a) the prevalence of asthenia and depression of mild degree, a high level of reactive and personal anxiety; b) the prevalence of maladaptive types of attitude to the disease over the adaptive ones; c) the low values of quality of life by all scales with a maximum reduction of role physical and role emotional functioning; d) the negative correlation between the patients’ quality of life and the level of asthenia, depression, and anxiety; e) the inverse relationship between the patients’ quality of life and maladaptive types of attitude to disease.
Key words: Sjogren’s syndrome, quality of life, asthenia, depression, anxiety, types of attitude to disease.
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