Semen Semenovich Zimnitskiy — life and character (to the 150th anniversary)
Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
Contact details:
Oslopov V.N. — MD, Professor of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases named after Prof. S.S. Zimnitskiy
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7-905-316-25-35, e-mail:
The article is devoted to the life and character of an outstanding Russian and Soviet clinician — Professor S.S. Zimnitsky. In a short life of 54 years, S.S. Zimnitsky was a participant in 2 wars and a witness to the revolution, positively perceived the regime change, after which he reached the apogee of his creativity. The family life of S.S. Zimnitsky developed dramatically, which largely determined the implementation of his creative abilities. S.S. Zimnitsky is presented for the first time not as an untouchable monument of bronze, but as a living person with not only merits, but also faults, while his greatness does not fade. For the first time, the characteristics of S.S. Zimnitsky’s personality traits, given by various people close to the scientist, are presented together. This allows us to understand and evaluate from a new perspective what a great personality with a unique charisma he was.
Key words: history of medicine, Kazan University, Professor S.S. Zimnitsky, life cataclysms, emotions, charisma.
(For citation: Oslopov V.N., Mishanina Yu.S. Semen Semenovich Zimnitskiy — life and character (to the 150th anniversary). Practical medicine. 2023. Vol. , № , P.)
- About the work of the gastric glands during bile retention in the body (preliminary message). Bol’nichnaya gazeta Botkina, 1901, vol. 12, no. 29, pp. 1216–1226 (in Russ.).
- Aleksins and their importance in the body’s fight against infection. Izvestiya voenno-med. akademii, 1905, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 273–278 (in Russ.).
- To the clinic of combined heart defects. Insufficiency of the aortic and bicuspid valves. Russkiy vrach, 1907, vol. 6, no. 16, pp. 543–547 (in Russ.).
- On the casuistry of combined kidney diseases. Prakticheskiy vrach, 1909, vol. 8, no. 35, pp. 603–605, no. 36, pp. 620–622, no. 37, pp. 635–638 (in Russ.).
- On the question of the significance of dicrotia when combining insufficiency of the aortic valves with insufficiency of the bicuspid heart valve. Russkiy vrach, 1910, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 76–82 (in Russ.).
- Man’chzhurskiy tif, ego klinicheskaya kartina i vozbuditel’ (sovmestno s prof. S.S. Botkinym) [Manchurian typhus, its clinical picture and causative agent (together with Prof. S.S. Botkin)]. Trudy I s»ezda ross, terapevtov, 1909. Moscow, 1910. Pp. 162–190.
- K voprosu o seroterapii krupoznoy pnevmonii [On the issue of serotherapy for lobar pneumonia]. Trudy II s»ezda ross. terapevtov, 1910. Saint Petersburg, 1911. Pp. 186–187.
- About directions in therapy. Vrachebnaya gazeta, 1917, vol. 24, no. 18, pp. 309–311, no. 19, pp. 332–335 (in Russ.).
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- What is our method of functional diagnostics of the kidneys and what does it resolve? Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 1922, no. 1, pp. 54–62 (in Russ.).
- On the goals of functional diagnostics in general and in relation to gastric cells in particular. Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 1924, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 232–245 (in Russ.).
- On the clinical features of hypertension. Vrachebnoe delo, 1924, no. 8–9, pp. 456–457 (in Russ.).
- New in the doctrine of the pathogenesis of edema (clinical: lecture). Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 1925, no. 4, pp. 373–379 (in Russ.).
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- On the reversibility of types of gastric secretion. Vrachebnoe delo, 1925, no. 15–17, pp. 1083–1088 (in Russ.).
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- Insulin in the treatment of peptic ulcers of the stomach. Vrachebnoe delo, 1927, no. 19, pp. 1375–1377 (in Russ.).
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Obshchestvenno-politicheskie stat’i S.S. Zimnitskogo
- Faculty and eo ipso university evil. Vrachebnaya gazeta, 1915, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 182–185 (in Russ.).
- Faculty evil and §§ 61 and 110 of the draft of the new university charter. Vrachebnaya gazeta, no. 40, pp. 761–763 (in Russ.).
- So-called professorial absenteeism. Vrachebnaya gazeta, 1915, no. 45, pp. 843–846 (in Russ.).
Monografii S.S. Zimnitskogo
- Otdelitel’naya rabota zheludochnykh zhelez pri zaderzhke zhelchi v organizme. Klinicheskoe i eksperimental’noe issledovanie. Doktorskaya diss. [Separative work of the gastric glands when bile is retained in the body. Clinical and experimental study. Doctoral dissertation] Saint Petersburg, 1901. 176 p.
- O nekotorykh metodakh issledovaniya khimizma zheludochnogo soderzhimogo [About some methods for studying the chemistry of gastric contents]. Saint Petersburg, 1901. 31 p.
- Man’chzhurskiy tif, ego klinicheskaya kartina i vozbuditel’ (sovmestno s prof. S.S. Botkinym) [Manchurian typhus, its clinical picture and causative agent (together with Prof. S.S. Botkin)]. Moscow, 1910. 31 p.
- Osnovy bakterio-biologicheskogo raspoznavaniya tuberkuleza (legkikh). Kurs, chitannyy studentam-medikam [Basics of bacterio-biological recognition of tuberculosis (lungs). Course given to medical students]. Kazan: izd. KGU, 1913. 176 p.
- Zabolevaniya legochnoy parenkhimy i plevry (ocherki po chastnoy patologii i terapii) [Diseases of the pulmonary parenchyma and pleura (essays on particular pathology and therapy)]. Kazan: Tatgosizdat, 1922. 160 p.
- Lektsii po serdechnym boleznyam, chitannye vracham v Kazanskom klinicheskom institute v 1921–1922 gg. [Lectures on heart diseases given to doctors at the Kazan Clinical Institute in 1921–1922]. Kazan, Tatizdat, 1923. 184 p.
- Bolezni pochek (Braytova bolezn’). Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey i studentov [Kidney disease (Bright’s disease). Guide for doctors and students]. Kazan: Izd. kombinata izdat. i pechati TASSR, 1924. 272 p.
- Lechenie Braytovoy boyazni [Treatment of Bright’s fear]. Moscow: GIZ, 1926. 172 p.
- O rasstroystvakh sekretornoy deyatel’nosti zheludochnykh zhelez s tochki zreniya funktsional’noy diagnostiki [About disorders of the secretory activity of the gastric glands from the point of view of functional diagnostics]. Moscow: Izd. zdravotdela, 1926. 134 p.
- Lektsii po serdechnym i pochechnym boleznyam. Vyp. 2 [Lectures on heart and kidney diseases. Vol. 2]. Moscow: Izd. Moszdravotdela, 1927. 158 p.
Stat’i druzey S.S. Zimnitskogo
- Yakobson L. In memory of Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky. Moskovskiy med. zhurnal, 1927, no. 12, pp. 140–141 (in Russ.).
- Luriya R.A. Professor S.S. Zimnitsky as a scientist. Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 1928, no. 3, pp. 285–295 (in Russ.).
Stat’i uchenikov S.S. Zimnitskogo
- Predtechenskiy A.M. From memories of Professor S.S. Zimnitsky. Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 1928, no. 3, pp. 279–284 (in Russ.).
- Teregulov A.G. To characterize the creative appearance of Prof. S.S. Zimnitsky. Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 1958, no. 2, pp. 5–10 (in Russ.).
- Rakhlin L.M. My teachers. Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 1993, no. 1, pp. 74–79 (in Russ.).
Publikatsii o S.S. Zimnitskom (stat’i i monografii) uchenymi XXI v.
- Oslopov V.N., Khazova E.V., Bogoyavlenskaya O.V. et al. Professor Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky is an outstanding Russian therapist, scientist, patriot. Prakticheskaya meditsina, 2018, no. 9, pp. 11–27 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Mishanina Yu.S. Fenomen EKG S.S. Zimnitskogo i ego ob»yasnenie v nashi dni. Materialy sovremennoy klinicheskoy meditsiny [ECG phenomenon S.S. Zimnitsky and his explanation in our days]. Materialy XIII Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Aktual’nye voprosy diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki v obshchemeditsinskoy praktike” k 90-letiyu meditsinskoy sluzhby MVD Rossii po Respublike Tatarstan, 2020. Vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 102–103.
- Oslopov V.N., Mishanina Yu.S. To the question of S.S. Zimnitsky about the origin of the giant T wave after ventricular extrasystole on the electrocardiogram. Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 2020, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 617–621 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Mishanina Yu.S. Letter to the editor. Kazanskiy med. zhurnal, 2022, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 533–536 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Khasanov N.R., Oslopova Yu.V. et al. Clinical and pedagogical school S.S. Zimnitsky. Kardiovaskulyarnaya terapiya i profilaktika, 2022, no. 21 (S5), pp. 45–57 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Oslopova Yu.V., Mishanina Yu.S., Khazova E.V., Oslopova D.V. Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky — life and death. Prakticheskaya meditsina, 2022, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 41–78 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Khasanov N.R., Oslopova Yu.V. et al. Scientific school S.S. Zimnitsky: pulmonology and cardiology. Kardiovaskulyarnaya terapiya i profilaktika, 2022, no. 22 (1S), pp. 47–60 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Khasanov N.R., Oslopova Yu.V. et al. Contribution of Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky to the description of the clinic of infectious diseases, microbiology and immunology. Kardiovaskulyarnaya terapiya i profilaktika, 2023, no. 22 (1S), pp. 61–67 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Khasanov N.R., Oslopova Yu.V. et al. Zimnitsky — the creator of a functional direction in the clinic of internal diseases: the beginning of the journey — research in gastroenterology. Kardiovaskulyarnaya terapiya i profilaktika, 2023, no. 22 (2S), pp. 112–123 (in Russ.).
- Oslopov V.N., Khasanov N.R., Oslopova Yu.V. et al. The pinnacle of scientific creativity S.S. Zimnitsky — research in nephrology. Kardiovaskulyarnaya terapiya i profilaktika, 2023, no. 22 (2S), pp. 98–111 (in Russ.).
- Bogoyavlenskiy V.F. Professor Semen Semenovich Zimnitskiy — vrach, uchenyy, patriot [Professor Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky is a doctor, scientist, patriot]. Kazan: Tatarskoe kn. izd-vo, 1970. 95 p.
- Oslopov V.N., Mishanina Yu.S. Professor Semen Semenovich Zimnitskiy [Professor Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky]. Izd-vo LAMBERT, 2020. 82 p.
Arkhivnye materialy
- Svidetel’stvo. Vydano iz Mogilevskoy Dukhovnoy konsistorii za podpis’yu i pechat’yu Simeonu (Semenu) Maksimovichu Zimnitskomu v tom, chto v istoricheskoy knige Mogilevskoy Eparkhii Mstislavskogo uezda — Khislavicheskoy, Boriso-Glebskoy tserkvi, rodivshiysya pod no. 36 imeet zapis’ “Simeon” — 1873 g., dekabrya, kreshchen 13 dekabrya 1873 g. i ego roditeli zazhitochnye sobstvenniki m. Khislavichi. Semen Maksimovich Zimnitskiy i ego zakonnaya zhena Praskov’ya Grigor’evna Zimnitskaya, pravoslavnoy very, russkie.
Zaveril svidetel’stvo: chlen konsistorii protoirey Fedor Demyantsevich, stolonachal’nik Evgeniy Bogdanov [Evidence. Issued from the Mogilev Ecclesiastical Consistory signed and sealed by Simeon (Semyon) Maksimovich Zimnitsky in that in the historical book of the Mogilev Diocese of Mstislavsky district — Khislavicheskaya, Boris-Gleb Church, born under number 36 has the entry “Simeon” — 1873, December, baptized on December 13, 1873 and his parents were wealthy owners of the Khislavichi borough. Semyon Maksimovich Zimnitsky and his legal wife Praskovya Grigorievna Zimnitskaya, Orthodox faith, Russian.
The certificate was certified by: a member of the consistory, Archpriest Fyodor Demyantsevich, and the head of the department, Evgeny Bogdanov.].