Screening diagnostics of posture in persons involved in rhythmic gymnastics according to computer-optical topography
1Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
²Republic Clinical Hospital, Kazan
Contact details:
Bikchurin N.M. — Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7-919-688-85-48, e-mail:
The purpose — to study the features of posture in persons involved in rhythmic gymnastics according to computer optical topography (COT) in three planes.
Material and methods. Screening examination of posture by computer optical topography in 253 girls involved in rhythmic gymnastics (mean age 14.1 ± 1.7 years). The control group consisted of students of a comprehensive school not involved in sports — 57 girls (average age — 15.04 ± 1.5).
Results. A high proportion of persons with posture disorders and spinal deformity was revealed both in the group of female gymnasts and in the comparison group: 86.16% and 85.95%, respectively. When assessing the horizontal and sagittal plane, disorders are more frequent among gymnasts. Posture disorders in the frontal plane are more common in persons not involved in rhythmic gymnastics. Significant differences were noted in the sagittal plane, where posture disorders were significantly more common in female gymnasts — in 55.74% compared to the control group — 40.35% (φemp = 2.094; α ≤ 0.05), and a subnormal variant was detected in 35.57% of gymnasts, while in the control group this value is significantly higher — 50.87% (φemp = 2.114; α ≤ 0.05).
Conclusion. The use of COT allows for timely screening and diagnosis of the spine in order to develop preventive measures in youth sports.
Key words: rhythmic gymnastics, posture disorder, computer optical topography.
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