Role of matrix metalloproteinase in the development of pericardial effusion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
¹Kazan State Medical University of the MH of RF, 49 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
2Republic Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan, 138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064
Feiskhanova L.I. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7830-5283
Valeeva I.Kh. ― D. Sc. (biology), senior researcher of the Central Scientific Laboratory, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3707-6511
Feiskhanov A.K. ― surgeon of the Department of Vascular Ssurgery №1, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9547-1395
The injury of pericardium is one of the most frequent manifestations of cardiovascular pathology, developing with the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, accounting for approximately 30-40% of patients. In pericarditis developing against the background of rheumatoid arthritis, the autoimmune mechanisms of pericardial damage and the development of an immune response by the type of delayed hypersensitivity come to the fore.
The aim of our study was to reveal the features of biochemical markers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis depending on the presence of pericardial effusion. The study included 103 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 92 women and 11 men. The median age was 52.7±5.2 years. All patients at admission underwent blood tests on determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, level of circulating immune complexes, C-reactive protein, chest x-ray of the affected joints, transthoracic echocardiography. DAS-28 was used to assess the disease activity. In addition, serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9) and antibodies to vimentin (anti-MCV) were determined in all patients. According to the results of echocardiography, patients were divided into two groups: the first group – with the presence of pericardial effusion, 26 people, 25.2%, the second group – without pericardial effusion, 77 people, 74.8%. The results showed that the development of pericardial effusion is accompanied by an increase in the level of MMR-9 and there is relationship between the increase in anti-MCV and the duration of rheumatoid arthritis.
Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, pericardial effusion, pericarditis, matrix metalloproteinase, antibodies to vimentin.
(For citation: Feiskhanova L.I., Valeeva I.Kh., Feiskhanov A.K. Role of matrix metalloproteinase in the development of pericardial effusion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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