Results of surgical treatment of aggressive hemangiomas of the treatmental spine by the method of punctive vertebroplasty
1Scientific-research Medical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
2National Center for Rehabilitation and Prosthetics of the Disabled, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Contact details:
Shatursunov Sh.Sh. — MD, Professor, Head of the Vertebrology Department
Address: 78 Makhtumkuli St., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel.: +998909020392, e-mail:
The purpose — to analyze the results of surgical treatment of patients with hemangiomas of the thoracolumbar spine by puncture vertebroplasty.
Material and methods. Clinical data and results of surgical treatment of 124 patients operated on in 2014–2020 were analyzed. Preoperative examinations included clinical studies, VAS, Oswestry, X-ray, MSCT, and MRI. MSCT and MRI studies were carried out for diagnosis and to study the treatment results. Single hemangiomas were present in 63 (50,8%) patients, 44 (35,4%) patients had hemangiomas at two or more levels. In 17 (13,7%) patients, hemangiomas were present in both the thoracic and lumbar regions.
Results. In 87,8% of cases, MSCT studies in the postoperative period showed filling the hemangioma cavity by more than 80%. Control MRI studies 6 months and a year after surgery in none of the cases revealed a continued growth of hemangioma.
Pain syndrome according to VAS before surgery averaged 46/56 points, after 12 months — 15/20 points. According to the Oswestry questionnaire, the average score reduced from 32 to 6 points after 6 months.
Conclusion. Puncture vertebroplasty with bone cement is an effective, safe and minimally invasive method for treating hemangiomas of the thoracolumbar spine. The main goals of vertebroplasty are to restore the supporting ability of the affected vertebra, achieve analgesic and antitumor effects.
Key words: spinal hemangioma, puncture vertebroplasty.
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