Regional features of the epidemiology of neurological diseases and the organization of medical care
1Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, 138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064
2Kazan State Medical University of the MH of RF, 49 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
Faizutdinova A.T. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation, neurologist of Clinical Expert Department, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9359-8309
Bogdanov E.I. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation, Head of Neurological Clinic, tel. (843) 261-84-35, e-mail:
Timershin R.R. ― Head of the Department of Medical Statistics, tel. (843) 261-84-35, e-mail:
Fatkheeva L.S. ― Head of the Clinical Expert Department, tel. (843) 261-84-35, e-mail:
Iskandarov I.R. ― Assistant of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization, tel. (843) 261-84-35, e-mail:
The connection was analyzed between regional epidemiology of noninfectious neurological diseases (Chiari malformation isolated and/or associated with syringomyelia, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, cervicalgia, cervical osteochondrosis, vascular myelopathy, hypertensive encephalopathy) and peculiarities of medical care organization for adult population in the Republic of Tatarstan from 2011 to 2017. The study was performed with the data of 25,409 visits of 12,785 adult patients, as well as 26 fetuses that did not require termination of pregnancy. For 45 districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, the following data were analyzed: the number of appeals from district to RCH, rating of local hospitals efficiency, number of adult population, distance to Kazan, availability of local neurologists, prevalence of individual diseases, and professional status of patients. The main regional features were the Baltasinsky «cluster» of Chiari malformation and vascular myelopathy, as well as the Laishevsky «cluster» of trigeminal neuralgia. The causes of the high variability of the neurological diseases prevalence between regions were analyzed.
Key words: regional epidemiology, medical care organization, neurological pathology, Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, spinal myelopathy, trigeminal neuralgia.
(For citation: Faizutdinovа А.Т., Bogdanov E.I., Timershin R.R., Fatkheeva L.S., Iskandarov I.R. Regional features of the epidemiology of neurological diseases and the organization of medical care. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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