Reactivity of neural conduction in children with acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
1Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, 9 Prof. Popov Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197022
2Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2 Litovskaya Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194100
Klimkin A.V. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Junior Researcher of the Department of Functional Diagnostics, tel. (812) 234-38-23, e-mail:
Development of neurophysiological criteria for prediction of motor functions recovery in patients after acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) is a priority for modern medicine. The influence of neural conduction reactivity on acute ischemia in children with AIDP was used to study the criteria for the disease outcome prediction. Electro-neuromyography with tourniquet test was implemented in 55 children in the control group and 46 children with AIDP in catamnesis (both aged 7-17 y.o.). In children in the acute period of AIDP, the values of neural conduction reactivity of the ulnar nerve after 10 minutes of ischemia ≤3.1% serve as an indication of the recovery period of walking ability (>1 month).
Key words: acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, children, electro-neuromyography.
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