Psychological predictors of the structure of proactive behavior of drug-dependent patients with different types of treatment
¹Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapaevskaya St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443079
²Center of social adaptation «Hope», 37 Avtozavodskoe highway, Togliatti, Russian Federation, 445004
Kovshova O.S. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, tel. (846) 260-78-29, e-mail:
Kobzeva L.S. — medical psychologist, tel. +7-927-890-64-90, e-mail:
An empirical study of personal determinants of proactive behavior of people with dependency on narcotics as an important factor in medical care was carried out. The importance of proactivity in appearance in this group of mature patients socially conditioned motives, resilience, including in coping was traced. The article presents a theoretical and scientific analysis of the proactivity problems in drug-dependent. It summarizes the structural components of proactive behavior. The features of the personality predictors of proactivity of drug-dependent patients with different types of treatment are investigated. It shows the relationship of proactive behavior, life-purpose orientations and the level of subjective control as the structural components of proactivity. The structural model of proactive behavior in drug-dependents in view of its components was developed.
Key words: proactivity, personality predictors of proactivity, addiction, dependence.
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