Prevention techniques for development of the post-surgery posterior capsule opacity. Literature review
1Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapaevskaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099
2Samara Regional Ophthalmology Clinical Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky, 158 Novo-Sadovaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443068
3Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavin, 159 Tashkentskaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443095
Bantsykina Yu.V. ― Postgraduate student of the Eye Diseases Department, e-mail:
Malov I.V. ― D. Med. Sc., Head of the Eye Diseases Department, tel. (846) 956-52-44, e-mail:
Eroshevskaya E.B. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Ophthalmology Department, tel. (846) 323-00-37, e-mail:
Malov V.M. ―D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Ophthalmology Department, tel. (846) 323-00-37, e-mail:
The article presents modern literature data on various types of prophylaxis of postoperative complication of phacoemulsification of cataract ― opacification of posterior capsule opacity (PCO, secondary cataract). Methods of prevention can be divided into surgical ― during the key stages of the operation of phacoemulsification of cataract, and pharmacological and photodynamic ― by various drugs during and after surgery. During the surgical removal of cataract, it is possible to prevent or reduce the development of postoperative PСО by reducing the adhesion and migration of the lens epithelium. However, it is impossible to influence the proliferation of lens cells. It means that the search for new methods of preventing PСО remains relevant.
Key words: posterior capsule opacity, secondary cataract, prevention of posterior capsule opacity (PCO).
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