Potential of diffusion-weight imaging for estimating the consistency of tumors in chiasmosellar area
1 Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
2 KSMA — Branch Campus of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia , 36 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
Savlaev A.S. — postgraduate student of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, tel. +7-967-363-19-69, e-mail: savlaev@yandex.ru
Pashaev B.Yu. — Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, neurosurgeon, tel. +7-917-280-55-27
Vagapova G.R. — D. Med. Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Endocrinology, tel. +7-917-269-59-28.
Ibatullin M.M. — D. Med. Sc, Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, tel. +7-960-048-13-26, e-mail: murat.ibatullin@gmail.com
The paper presents the results of examining 42 patients with tumors in chiasmosellar area carried out in Kazan Interregional Diagnostic Center. The observations were carried out with Signa HDXt 1,5Т (General Electric, USA) in standard impulse sequences (Т1 and Т2-weighted spin-echo sequences, including those with dynamic contrast enhancement, and with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and further measurement of diffusion coefficient (DCM). The results were compared with the data of intra-operative consistency of tumors in chiasmosellar area. The obtained data prove that the DCM o the patients under study correlate with intra-operative consistency of tumors in chiasmosellar area, which can serve as predictors for the choice of the necessary tactics of surgical treatment and successful adenomectomy.
Key words: magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion weight imaging, tumors, chiasmosellar area, macro-adenomas.
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