Possibilities of the method of microelectrophoresis erythrocytes in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome
Izhevsk State Medical Academy, 281 Kommunarov St., Izhevsk, Russian Federation, 426034
Martynova T.A. — postgraduate student of the Department of Hospital Therapy, tel. +7-912-859-12-28, e-mail: tatyana_martynova@list.ru
Maksimov N.I. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy, tel. +7-912-859-12-28, e-mail: maxni@list.ru
Nazipova T.Y. — postgraduate student of the Department of Hospital Therapy, tel. +7-909-052-41-12, e-mail: kenga19@yandex.ru
The article presents the results of blood tests by the method of multi-vector electrophoresis 102 patients with acute coronary syndrome. Comparative evaluation of the electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes depending on the sex of the patient, the severity resorbtion-the necrotic syndrome аnd ischemic myocardial damage.
Key words: acute coronary syndrome, micro-electrophoresis, electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes.
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