Possibilities of a new in vivo model for the study of the impact of laser energy on the venous wall at endovasal laser obliteration of the great saphenous vein
Kazan State Medical Academy
«Innovative vascular centre», St. Petersburg
Slavin Dmitry Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant Professor at the Department of Endoscopy, General and Endoscopic Surgery of the Kazan State Medical Academy
37 Gubkina Str., apt.63, Kazan 420088
tel. 8-903-306-93-60, e-mail: daslavin@mail.ru
To obtain the final result after endovenous laser obliteration it is necessary for the laser energy to reach the venous wall. Using a new in vivo model shows that there are several important mechanisms of effect of laser energy on vein, the most effective of which is its direct absorption by the venous wall in the absence of carbonation. Therefore, for optimum results of the venous ablation at endovenous laser obliteration are preferably used «water-absorbent» lasers (1470 nm) and radial fibers.
Key words: venous wall, laser energy, endovenous laser obliteration.
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