Polymorphism of microflora of wound defects at patients with a syndrome of diabetic foot
¹Kazan State Medical University, Butlerova str, d. 49, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012.
²City Clinical Hospital № 5, center «Diabetic Foot», 420180, Sh. Kamala, 12. Kazan, Russian Federation, 420180.
3Federal medical research center Russian Ministry of Health, Nizhny Novgorod.
Korejba Konstantin Aleksandrovich — PhD, Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery KSMU, head of «Diabetic foot», Honorary Doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan, +79274128703, e-mail: korejba_k@mail.ru
Kudykin Maxim Nikolaevich — Ph.D., professor, head of department of angiology, phlebology, vascular surgery and X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment FGBU «Federal medical research center,» the Ministry of Health of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, +79023047575, e-mail : flebolog@aol.com
Minabutdinov Aydar Ramilevich – surgeon of Center «Diabetic foot» Kazan, +7 (843) 278-95-33, e-mail: diabetstopa5gb@mail.ru
Syndrome of diabetic foot one of terrible late complications of diabetes. Diabetic polyneuropathy, an osteoartropatiya, an angiopatiya are the cornerstone of development of defects of skin and soft fabrics. Wound defects at patients with a syndrome of diabetic foot proceed as chronic wound process. Broad universal application of antibacterial preparations led to change of microflora of wound defects. In article solutions of this problem, ways of clarification and closing of defects of skin and soft fabrics at patients with a syndrome of diabetic foot are considered.
Key words: syndrome of diabetic foot, biofilm, antibacterial therapy, mushrooms.
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