Physiological and hygienic bases of rehabilitation of preschool age children with refractive amblyopia
1Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
2Scientific and Diagnostic Center of the Kazan State Medical University, 23/9 Marsel Salimzhanov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420107
Khazipova F.A. ― postgraduate student of the Department of General Hygiene with a Course of Radiation Hygiene, tel. +7-917-226-00-41, e-mail:
Rashitov L.Z. ― D. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene with a Course of Radiation Hygiene, tel. +7-917-867-40-89, e-mail:
Nizamutdinov S.I. ― neurologist, tel. +7-904-665-21-54, e-mail:
The article presents results from the analysis of literature and Russian experience of the conditions and the organization of rehabilitation of children with refractive amblyopia in the childish educational institutions with compensating orientation, as well as studies related to highlights of amblyopia pathophysiology. Being the most common cause of loss of visual acuity in children of preschool age, amblyopia is a very important social problem. Pathogenesis and treatment of refractive amblyopia are relatively well studied and turned into practice. However, organization of optimal conditions for visual analyzer operation without therapeutic measures, which, of course, occupies a large part of a child’s day, is often left unnoticed. Therefore, the study of hygienic aspects of the conditions and organization of children’ staying in childish educational institutions with compensating orientation remains an important task. An important role in assessing the quality of the treatment and secondary prevention measures plays the study of visual evoked potentials as a way to control the functional activity of cortical and subcortical structures of the visual analyzer.
Key words: pre-school education, visual impairment, childish educational institution with compensating direction, refractive amblyopia, visual evoked potentials.