Peculiarities of physical development and lipid metabolism in children with chronic gastroduodenitis
1Belgorod National Research University, 85 Pobedy St., Belgorod, Russian Federation, 308015
2North-West Federal Medical Research Centre, 2 Akkuratov St., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194156
Gurova M.M. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Pediatrics with the course of children’s surgical diseases, tel. (4722) 55-07-06, e-mail:
Novikova V.P. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases, tel. +7-911-738-63-50, e-mail:
Romanova T.A. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Pediatrics with the course of children’s surgical diseases, tel. (4722) 55-07-06, e-mail:
Peculiarities of physical development and lipid metabolism in teenagers with morphologically proved chronic gastroduodenitis are presented. It is shown that for children with chronic gastroduodenitis deviations in physical development are common, such as alterations of the following parameters: height, weight, circumferences of the body, and nutritional status deviations with both protein-energy deficiency and changes in lipid metabolism.
Key words: children, chronic gastroduodenitis, physical development, lipid metabolism.
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