Pathological climax and hypothyroidism as the factors of menopausal skin aging
Perm State Medical Academy named after E.A. Vagner, 26 Petropavlovskaya St., Perm, Russian Federation 614 000
Sandakova E.A. — D. med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Advanced Training Faculty and Professional Retraining of Specialists, tel. (8342) 244-16-81, e-mail: selena11perm@yandex.ru1
Elkin V.D. — D. med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology, tel. (8342) 226-18-94, e-mail: kapitoshcka@yandex.ru1
Kobernik M.Yu. — assistant at the Department of Dermatovenereology, tel. (8342) 226-18-94, e-mail: cobernik.m@yandex.ru1
The article presents research results of age-related skin changes in 62 women with pathological and 60 women with physiological course of menopause. Inside each group subgroups are distinguished. The first subgroup — women with hidden and the manifest hypothyroidism (Thyroid-stimulating hormone >4,0 mcMU/ml). The second subgroup — women with euthyroid. Significant differences in skin aging are found in these subgroups. The most involutional skin changes are detected in women with pathological course of menopause with hypothyroidism. They are expressed in prevalence of dry skin type, peeling, change in color and tone of skin, expressed general gravitational ptosis and deep deforming wrinkles, reduction in the thickness of the dermis and its acoustic density.
Key words: pathological menopause, physiological menopause, menopausal skin aging, hypothyroidism.
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