Osteopathic algorithm of treatment for chronic tension headaches
1Russian Research Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Studies, 32 Noviy Arbat Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 121099
2North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191015
Miroshnichenko D.B. ― Researcher of the Department of Neurology, tel. +7-911-916-85-30, e-mail: dmitrii.miroshni@mail.ru
Rachin A.P. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology, tel. (499) 277-01-04, e-mail: andrey_ratchin@mail.ru
Mokhov D.E. ― D. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Osteopathy, tel. +7-921-961-32-15, e-mail: osteo.minzdrav@mail.ru
The research presents the results of the clinical functional evaluation of osteopathic treatment in patients with chronic tension headaches. The results of osteopathy therapy of 108 patients with tension headaches revealed pathogenetic impact on the dynamic clinical signs of cephalgia as well as brainstem polysynaptic reflex excitability. Osteopathy could be an adequate technique for chronic tension headaches treatment.
Key words: chronic tension headaches, osteopathy, blink reflex, brainstem polysynaptic reflex activity, somatic dysfunction.
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