Nifuroxazide in treatment of salmonellosis in children
1Amur State Medical Academy, 95 Gorkiy St., Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation, 675000
2Amur Region Infectious Hospital, 15 Bolnichnaya St., Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation, 675000
Soldatkin P.K. — Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Infectious Diseases with courses in Epidemiology and Dermatovenerology, tel. +7-962-294-57-37, e-mail:
Marunich N.A. — Cand. Med, Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology and Dermatovenerology, tel. +7-914-386-46-75, e-mail:
Gribanova O.V. — physician of the Department of Intestine Infections in Children, tel. +7-962-284-94-61, e-mail:
Psheninchnikov S.V. — Head of the Department of Intestine Infections in Children, tel. +7-924-673-15-56, e-mail:
This article is devoted to the search of highly effective antibacterial drugs with minimal side effects for children with salmonellosis. The correct antibiotic therapydetermines the effectiveness of the main symptoms’relief. The efficiency of nifuroxazide (group N) was assessed in comparison with antibiotics (group A) in the treatment of salmonellosis complex. In group A patients with a smooth course of the diseasewere selected, and they were treated with one course of antibiotics. High clinical efficacy of nifuroxazidein relieving the main symptoms of the diseasewas proved, which has a positive impact on the duration of hospital stay. The results of our study are consistent with the findings of other researchers, which allowsto recommendnifuroxazide for a wide usage in the treatment of children with acute intestinal infections caused by pathogenic organisms.
Key words: nifuroxazide, salmonellosis, children, treatment.
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