New opportunities of chlamydial etiology verification in patients with idiopathic uveites
1Omsk State Medical University, 12 Lenin Str., Omsk, Russian Federation, 644099
2Clinical Ophthalmologic Hospital named after V.P. Vykhodtsev, 60 Lermontov Str., Omsk, Russian Federation, 644024
3Isilkul Central Regional Hospital, 167 Telman Str., Isilkul, Omsk region, Russian Federation, 646020
Lebedev O.I. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of Ophthalmology Department, tel. +7-968-107-55-55, e-mail:
Surov A.V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Department, tel. +7-906-197-93-16, e-mail:
Akentyeva E.V. — ophthalmologist, tel. +7-904-328-88-51, e-mail:
Salikhov M.M. — ophthalmologist, tel. +7-905-099-23-28, e-mail:
The research objective was to assess the methods of etiological verification of chlamydial uveites. 30 patients were examined, with the primary episode or relapse of inflammatory diseases of choroid of suspected chlamydial origin. The diagnosis was verified in the Omsk Academic Center of Laboratory Diagnostics. The following methods were applied: immunoblotting of plaintive liquid with the RecomLine Chlamidia IgA/IgG set (immunoglobulins A/immunoglobulins G) and Immuno Comb Chlamydia trachomatis IgA test system with research of plaintive liquid was used. The chlamydial etiology of a disease was confirmed in 4 patients. The applied laboratory diagnostic methods: immunoblotting of plaintive liquid with the recomLine Chlamydia IgA/IgG and Immuno Comb Chlamydia trachomatis IgA set were used for the first time for the research of plaintive liquid to diagnose the Chlamydia trachomatis and the marker of acute phase of infectious process (IgA). The obtained results compared to the traditional methods of diagnosing the blood serum (determining the IgМ/IgG to Chlamydia trachomatis) proved to be more informative for diagnosing the chlamydial eye infection with lesions of the eye vascular tract.
Key words: etiological verification, uveites, immunoblot, plaintive liquid.
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