Neuro-cognitive features of essential tremor plus
1Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
2Republic Consultative-diagnostic Center for extra-pyramid pathology and botulin therapy — Hospital for military veterans, Kazan
Contact details:
Munasipova S.E.Cand. Sci. (Medicine), Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation, neurologist
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7-960-045-53-01, e‐mail:
Essential tremor (ET) is the most common movement disorder, the main manifestation of which is progressive postural-kinetic trembling of the limbs, its pattern most often involving the hands. Recent data indicate a higher frequency of ET in combination with various neurological symptoms, which in the new classification is usually classified as essential tremor plus (ET+).
The purpose is to identify and determine the characteristics of intragroup division and changes in neurocognitive status among various forms of ET+ in comparison with ET patients. Material and methods. At the Republic Consultative-diagnostic Center for extra-pyramid pathology and botulin therapy in Kazan, a prospective study was carried out on 116 patients with essential tremor, using clinical, anamnestic and statistical methods of data collection and analysis.
Results. Neurocognitive phenotypic variants of ET have been established. It has been proven that all patients with ET, even in the absence of a global decline in intelligence, are characterized by changes in attention, speech fluency, memory, and executive functions; dementia was detected in 28% of patients included in the study. For a reliable diagnosis of ET, in addition to assessing the standard neurological status, it is necessary to assess the severity of tremor using the FTM scale, assessing ataxia using the SARA scale, and assessing the cognitive status using the MOCA test.
Key words: tremor, essential tremor, essential tremor-plus syndrome, cognitive impairment.
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