Neural conductivity in children with cerebral meninges inflammation
1Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, 9 Prof. Popov Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197022
2Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2 Litovskaya Str., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194100
Voitenkov V.B. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Functional Diagnostics, Acting Head of the Department of Functional and Radiation Diagnostics Methods, tel. (812) 234-38-23, e-mail:
The research evaluated the peripheral nerves reactivity in children with acute aseptic meningitis. Electro-neuromiography (EMG) with tourniquet probe was implemented in 26 controls and 16 age-equal children with aseptic meningitis. Stimulation EMG was conducted in acute period (1-14 days from the appearance of the first symptoms) and in early recovery period (15-30 days). The reactivity of neural conduction (RNC) was evaluated by the percentage of the impulse conduction velocity (ICV) drop at the 10-minute of ischemia of the limb. This parameter was significantly different between children with aseptic meningitis and controls. Conduction velocity was steadily slowing during the ischemic period, starting from the 2nd minute and reaching its peak at the 10th minute. After the removal of compression, in 1 minute ICV returned to the basic level. In children with aseptic meningitis, RNC at 10th minute was significantly less (p<0.05) than in controls. 14 days after the first clinical symptoms, in children after liquor sanation, RNC had no difference from the controls. Thus, in acute stage of aseptic meningitis in children, significant drop of neural reactivity is seen; this may be interpreted as the pathologic resistance of the peripheral axons to ischemia. This phenomenon is passing and disappears after liquor sanation.
Key words: aseptic meningitis, children, electro-neuromyography, reactivity, conductivity.
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