Multidisciplinary and multiparametric approach in the diagnosis of breast cancer under 2015 recommendations on elastography
1Smolensk State Medical University, 40 Frunze Str., Smolensk, Russian Federation, 214006
2Smolensk Clinical Hospital No. 1, 40 Frunze Str., Smolensk, Russian Federation, 214006
Borsukov A.V. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Director of the Domain-specific scientific-research laboratory “Diagnostic research and minimally invasive technologies”, tel. (4812) 63-22-10, e-mail:
Timashkov I.A. — radiologist, tel. +7-915-658-67-16, e-mail:
The paper presents the results of the research of a multidisciplinary and multiparametric approach to breast cancer diagnosing with mammography, ultrasound investigation, and optical densitometry with a quantitative assessment of the focal neoplasm outline according to 2015 recommendations on elastography. With a certain algorithm, 59 women were examined: stage 1 — standard X-ray mammography, stage 2 — multiparametric ultrasound investigation with obligatory elastography, 3 stage — estimating the focal neoplasm outline according to a special standardized program. The complex use of X-ray mammography, multiparametric ultrasound investigation with elastography and determination of the SR coefficient, as well as a quantitative assessment of the focal neoplasm outline proved that the indicators of sensitivity and specificity were 96% and 85%, respectively. Using densitometry during examination of women with the breast pathologies enables to quantitatively specify the criterion of outlines distinction, and in cases of difficulties to attribute this criterion to either malignant or benign signs. The multidisciplinary approach enables to reduce the number of false-positive and false-negative results in the breast cancer diagnosis.
Key words: breast cancer, radiology, mammography, ultrasound.
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