Morphological estimation of the spongy allografts for the ophthalmological purposes
All-Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 67/1 Zorge Str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450075
Мuldashev E.R. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Director General, tel. (347) 237-84-09, e-mail:
Musina L.A. — D. Biol. Sc., Leading Researcher of the Morphological Department, tel. (347) 237-84-09, e-mail:
Shangina O.R. — Doc. Biol. Sc., Head of the Laboratory for Tissue Conservation, Leading Researcher, tel. (347) 232-88-89, e-mail:
Muslimov S.A. — D. Med. Sc., Leading Researcher, Professor, Head of the Morphological Department, tel. (347) 237-84-09, e-mail:
Kornilaeva G.G. — Doc. Med. Sc., ophthalmosurgeon, Head of training courses, tel. 347 293-42-3522, e-mail:
Solovyova E.P. — Cand. Med. Sc., physician-pathologist of the Morphological Department, tel. (347) 293-42-35, e-mail:
Karushin O.I. — Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Ophthalmological Department, tel. (347) 232-89-69, e-mail:
Khasanov R.A. — Leading Researcher of the Laboratory for Tissue Conservation, tel. (347) 232-88-89, e-mail:
Kornilaeva M.P. — Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Ophthalmological Department, tel. (347) 232-90-64, e-mail:
The article presents the results of morphological studies of the experimental material obtained while modeling corticosteroid glaucoma and optic nerve neuritis in rabbits with further correction of the pathology with the aid of spongy grafts. The article also contains the results of research of the eyeballs enucleated for medical indications in patients following the anterior and posterior sponge-drainage operations. The aim of the research was to reveal and summarize the structural changes occurring in spongy grafts after drainage surgeries in experimental animals and patients. The morphological studies were carried out by the standard histological and electron-microscopic methods. The results of the studies demonstrated that spongy biomaterials after the drainage operations regardless of their location in the eyeball preserved the cellular texture for a long time; they were not resolved with time and do not get cicatrized in the recipient’s tissues. Many of the trabecules were lined with endothelial cells approximating the similarity of the spongy graft to the eye trabecular meshwork. The allograft created an additional feeding of the eye tunics thanks to the invasion of separate blood vessels and formation of the collaterals. The biomaterial trabecules do not link, thus enabling an active long-term drainage function in the eyeball which is especially important for the improvement of the intraocular fluid outflow in case of glaucoma and for the decongestion in optic nerve neuritis.
Key words: glaucoma, optic nerve neuritis, spongy allograft, drainage operations
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