Morphological aspects of the regeneration of skeletal muscle tissue induced by allogeneic biomaterial
1Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center, Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
2Bashkir State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ufa, Russian Federation
Contact details:
Lebedeva A.I. – D.Sc. (biology), Senior Research Associate of the Department of Morphology.
Address: 67/1 Richard Sorge St., Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, 450075, tel.: (3472) 93-42-35, e-mail:
The problem of full restoration of skeletal muscle tissue is an important task in surgery, traumatology and other areas of medicine. The allogenic biomaterials of the Alloplant® series stimulate the regeneration of tissues of different origin, however, a spongy modification of the biomaterial has never been used to reconstruct the extensive muscle defects.
Purpose of the study. To apply allogeneic spongy biomaterial (ASB) to restore skeletal muscle tissue. To identify patterns of graft replacement tissue-specific regenerate.
Material and methods. In the experimental series, Wistar rats (n = 36) were used. In the abdomen of the gastrocnemius muscle in the middle third caused a 3–4 mm long defect. An allogeneic spongy biomaterial of appropriate dimensions was placed in the thickness of the defect and fixed with a filamentous tendon graft. Fibial nerve is not damaged. In the control group (n = 36), a similar defect was sutured. After that, Vicryl 6–0 sutures were applied to the skin. The experiment on animals was stopped by insufflation of a lethal dose of fluoroethane vapor. The biopsy material was taken at 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 90 days after the experiment. Histological and electron microscopic research methods were applied.
Results. In the group of animals without the use of biomaterial, as a result of healing of the defect, scar formation occurred with further degeneration into adipose tissue. The use of ASB with a subtotal defect in the muscle of the rat tibia contributed to the complete recovery of the defect. It is revealed that ASB is biodegraded in tissue and becomes a chemoattractant of macrophages M1. Inhibits fibroblastic activity at the level of cell migration and determines their phenotype. At the initial time of the experiment at the site of transplantation, the biodegradation of ASB occurs synchronously and its replacement by loose fibrous connective tissue, accompanied by the growth of blood vessels and processes of nerve cells. The products of biomaterial resorption stimulate the migration of myoprogenitor cells and promote their differentiation into mature muscle fibers that fill the defect.
Conclusion. Allogenic biomaterial of spongy modification contributes to the complete regeneration of the skeletal muscle tissue of the rat tibia with all the structural elements: endomysium, perimisium, angiogenesis, and neurogenesis.
Key words: allogenic spongy biomaterial, skeletal muscle tissue, regeneration.
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