Morphological analysis of the patients’ biopsies following the plasty of the eyelid posttraumatic defects with the use of Alloplant biomaterials
All-Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center, 67/1 Zorge Str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 420075
Musina L.A. — D. Biol. Sc., Leading Researcher of the Morphology Department, tel. (347) 293-42-35, е-mail:
Nuraeva A.B. — Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Ophthalmology Department, tel. (347) 293-42-28, е-mail:
The article presents the results of the morphological analysis of patients’ biopsy after reconstructive operations with the use of Alloplant biomaterials for eyelid posttraumatic defects and cicatricial deformations. To perform the surgeries, allografts were used for eyelid skeleton plasty, allotendinous sutures for the fixing plasty and the dispersed form of biomaterials «Stimulator of regeneration» (all produced in All-Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre under the trademark ALLOPLANTÒ). The purpose of the research was to reveal the morphological signs of the anticicatricial effect of Alloplant biomaterials for the plasty of eyelid deformations and defects which had been formed after different traumas. The research of the bioptic material taken during the repeated correcting operations in patients with earlier performed eyelid plasty were carried out by the standard histological and electron-microscopic methods. The biopsy was performed in 9 patients 6 months, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3.5 years after the surgery. It was found that the Alloplant biomaterial for the eyelid skeleton plasty, dispersed «stimulator of regeneration» and allotendinous sutures for fixing plasty implanted in patients when removing the eyelid posttraumatic cicatricial deformations and defects were being substituted without an apparent inflammatory reaction of the surrounding tissues. The grafts inhibit rough scarring of the newly-formed tissues and are substituted by a structural and functional regenerate. The connective tissue reclaim was formed on the site of the allografts as a result of the restorative processes in which the macrophages play an important role by gradually resorbing not only the allogeneic biomaterial but also a cicatricial connective tissue.
Key words: eyelid defects, cicatricial deformation, eyelid plasty, Alloplant biomaterial, inhibitor of scarring.
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