Morphological analysis of «Alloplant» implanted in the eyeball wall under the conditions of its experimental subatrophy
1Orenburg branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 17 Salmyshskaya Str., Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460047
2Orenburg State Medical University, 6 Sovetskaya Str., Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460000
Saneeva Zh.Kh. — ophthalmosurgeon, tel. (3532) 65-06-82, e-mail:
Kagan I.I. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery, tel. (3532) 77-93-86, e-mail:
Taking into account that the morphometric parameters of a rabbit’s eye are close and comparable to the parameters of a human eye, these animals most often become the object of experimental research. The obtained model of eyeball subatrophy served as the basis for assessing the changes in the eyeball after applying the biological material «Alloplant» for revascularization of the ciliary body. The revealed anatomical changes of the rabbit’s ciliated body followed by the application of Alloplant indicate its positive effect in the form of stabilization of the eyeball size and intraocular pressure. The obtained results of the study can be used to substantiate the new method of surgical treatment of the eyeball subatrophy, taking into account the developing morphofunctional processes.
Keywords: subatrophy, model, revascularization, Alloplant, histotopogram.
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