Morphofunctional characteristics of reparative histogenesis in the treatment of purulent skin wounds
Orenburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Contact information:
Gatiatullin I.Z. – postgraduate student of the Department of Surgery
Adress: 6 Sovetskaya Str., Russian Federation, Orenburg, 460000, e-mail:
The work presents the results obtained using the composite material «LitAr» (based on the hydroxapatite-collagen complex) for the treatment of extensive purulent wounds of soft tissues. Histological examination revealed that when using the composite for plastics of the skin defect of an extensive purulent wound, proliferation and cytodifferentiation of cellular elements of the connective tissue, epithelium and angiogenesis were activated, which ensured optimal wound healing.
Key words: purulent wound, regeneration, connective tissue, composite.
(For citation: Gatiatullin I.Z., Shevlyuk N.N., Tretyakov A.A., Fadeev S.B. Morphofunctional characteristics of reparative histogenesis in the treatment of purulent skin wounds. Practical Medicine. 2019)
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